História do Debate do Cálculo Econômico Socialista



Observações:Algumas das principais contribuições ao debate do cálculo foram publicadas em 2000 pela Routledge em uma coletânea composta por nove volumes intitulada Socialism and the Market: The Socialist Calculation Debate Revisited, editada por Peter Boettke. Nas referências bibliográficas que seguem, quando se tratar de um texto contido na coletânea, indicaremos a edição original do texto seguida da indicação S&M V n, em que n indica o volume no qual o texto se encontra. As citações se referem aos números de páginas da edição original, não da coletânea.

Seguiremos a convenção segundo a qual a data original da publicação de um trabalho (quando importante por razões históricas) aparece entre chaves e a data da edição que tivemos acesso se encontra entre parênteses.



Adaman, F. e Devine, P. (1996) “The Economic Calculation Debate; Lessons for Socialists”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 20, No.5. S&M V 9.

Arnold, N. S. (1987a) “Marx and the Disequilibrium in Market Socialist Relations of Production”,  Economics and Philosophy, Vol. 3, No. 1. S&M V 9.

Arnold, N. S. (1987b) “Further Thoughts on the Degeneration of Market Socialism: A Reply to Schweickart”,Economics and Philosophy, Vol. 3, No. 2.S&M V 9.

Arnold, N. S. (1987c) “Final Reply to Professor Schweickart”, Economics and Philosophy, Vol. 3, No. 2. S&M V 9.

Arnold, N. S. (1988) “Marx and Disequilibrium in Market Socialist Relations of Production: Reply”, Economics and Philosophy, Vol. 3, No. 1. S&M V 9.

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Bardhan, P. e Roemer, J.E. (1992) “Market Socialism: A Case for Rejuvenation”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 6, No. 3. S&M V 9.

Bardhan, P. e Roemer, J.E. (1993) (ed.) Market Socialism: The Current Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Bardhan, P. e Roemer, J.E. (1994) “On the Workability of Market Socialism”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No. 2. S&M V 9.

Barone, E. (1935) “The Ministry of Production in the Collectivist State”, em Hayek (ed.). Collectivist Economic Planning. S&M V 2.

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Boettke, P.J. (1990) The Political Economy of Soviet Socialism: The Formative Years. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers S&M V 7.

Boettke, P.J. (2000a) (ed.) Socialism and the Market: The Socialist Calculation Debate Revisited. Londres: Routledge

Boettke, P.J. (2000b) “Introduction: The Theory and Practice of Economic Planning”,

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Boland, L.A. (1994)Scientific thinking without scientific method: two views of Popper”, in Roger Backhouse (ed.) New Directions in Economic Methodology. Londres: Routledge

Bradley Jr., R. (1981) “Market Socialism: a Subjective Evaluation”, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol V, No.1

Brus, W. (1972) The Market in a Socialist Economy. Londres: Routledge.

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Brus, W. e Laski, K (1992) From Marx to the Market: socialism in search of an economic system. Oxford: Oxford University Press e Clarendon Press

Brutzkus, B. (1935) Economic Planning in Soviet Russia. Londres: Routledge. S&M V3.

Buchanan, J.M. e Thirlby, G. F. (ed.) (1981) L.S.E. Essays on Cost. Nova York: NYU Press.

Buchanan, J.M. (1987) Economics: between predictive science and moral philosophy. Texas A&M University Press.

Buchanan, J.M. (1993) Custo e Escolha. São Paulo: Instituto Liberal/Inconfidentes.

Bukharin, N. (1979) The Politics and Economics of the Transition Period, London: Routledge. S&M V1.

Bukharin, N. (1982) Concerning the New Economic Policy and Our Task, em Selected Writings on the State and the Transition of Socialism, Armonk: M.E. Sharpe Inc. S&M V 1.

Bukharin, N. e Preobrazensky, E. (1922) The ABC of Communism. The Communist Party of Great Britain. S&M V1.

Caldwell, B. (1997) “Hayek and Socialism”, Journal of Economic Literature. Vol. 35, No. 4. S&M V9.

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Chaloupek, G. K. (1990) “The Austrian Debate on Economic Calculation in a Socialist Economy”, History of Political Economy. Vol. 22, No. 4. S&M V5.

Cottrell, A. e Cockshott, W. P. (1993) “Calculation, Complexity and Planning: The Socialist Calculation debate Once Again”, Review of Political Economy. Vol.5, No. 1. S&M V9.

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Demsetz, H. (1969) “Information and Efficiency: another viewpoint”, The Journal of Law and Economics. Vol. 12.

Dickinson, H.D. (1933) “Price Formation in a Socialist Economy”, The Economic Journal. Vol.43, No. 170. S&M V4.

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Dobb, M. (1933) “Economic Theory and the Problems of a Socialist Economy”, The Economic Journal. Vol.43, No. 172. S&M V4.

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Drewnowski, J. (1961) “The Economic Theory of Socialism: A Suggestion for Reconsideration”, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 69, No. 4. S&M V 5.

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Durbin, E.F.M. (1936) “Economic Calculus in a Planned Economy”, The Economic Journal. Vol.46, No. 184. S&M V 4.

Durbin, E.F.M. (1937) “A Note on Mr Lerner’s Dynamical Propositions”, The Economic Journal. Vol.47, No. 187. S&M V 4.

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Ebeling, R. (1993) “Economic Calculation under Socialism: Ludwig von Mises and his predecessors”, in Herbener, J.M. (ed.) The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Engels, F. (1935) Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.  Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co. S&M V 1.

Feijó, R. (2003) Metodologia e Fisolofia da Ciência. São Paulo: Atlas.

Fleurbaey, M. (1993) “Economic Democracy and Equality: A Proposal”, em Bardhan e Roemer (eds.), 1993.

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Halm, G. (1935.) “Further Considerations on the Possibility of Adequate Calculation in a Socialist Community”, em Hayek (ed.), Collectivist Economic Planning, S&M V 2.

Harper, D. (1996) Entrepreneuship and the Market Process — An inquiry into the growth of knowledge. Londres: Routledge.

Hayek, F.A. (ed.) (1935) Collectivist Economic Planning. Londres: Routledge. S&M V 2.

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Heilbroner, H. (1990) “Analysis and Vision in the History of Modern Economic Thought”, Journal of Economic Literature, vol XXVIII.

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Horwitz, S. (1996) “Money, Money prices and the Socialist Calculation Debate”, Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 3. S&M V 9.

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